Light Painting Portrait Booth

Cha Light Booth

The Beautiful Ones
Cha Light Painting Photo Booth
Freak Circus Karnaval 2021
@kostumekult and @houseofyesnyc
Brooklyn, New York

Thank you for coming by the booth and making magic. Looking at all the details and labor that went into your costumes is such a pleasure.


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Share freely what is posted, please tag me @lightpaintingnewyork . Also tag yourself if you want me to add you.

By the way, in case you were wondering……

Digital file 900×1280 72dpi tagged ‘Cha’ are availible for 100$ each.
Printed on 8×10 inch art paper, with no logos, but signed on the back accompagnied with a certificate of autencitity are available for 150$ each or 11 x 17 inch for 250$.


You may be surprised if you see more light painting in your picture than you expected, I preproduced these light painting overlays as practice. Originally, I had planned to do one shots, but met some small tech issues thus was able to use these as double exposures.
If you would like to see your portrait without the overlay, please direct message me your request.

A peek at the ambiance that night.