Unesco Show, 1st Day of Light with the LFLP

My works exhibited at Unesco’s 1st “Day of Light”, Paris May 16th, 2018.













Here is the speech I prepared for Unesco’s Day of Light with the French League of Light painting May 16th, 2018.”

Unesco Speech

Dear guests, exellencies, your majesties…. Etc

Today is a Day of Light celebration, and right now all of you will feel artistic power of light. In other words – you will become a painters, in just a few minutes, with the help of international group of light painting artists. Please, remember when you was a child, how easily were you drawing your first picture, having just a pen and a sheet of paper… Today you can paint with light. All together, our International UNESCO community, we will create giant and epic drawings, to demonstrate common good will and hope for better life living under sun light on planet Earth! Check your guests bags and take LED key-chains….. (and than just instruction, what to do)


Today, the international light painting community has the opportunity to share the magic of our light art. Before, we guide you through the process, think of what it felt like to draw as a child with a crayon on paper.  Now imagine painting with light in space. Look at the screen above to see the giant light painting image we are about to create together as the UNESCO community. In this unique way we celebrate the Day of Light! 

Start of explanation

In your guest bags, please take the LED key chain between your fingers and press to make sure they light up, you will be pointing your light towards the stage, where are cameras are set up. On the above screen, you may see an example of the image we plan to accomplish right now and you will be able to see what you are doing as you draw with light.


Light painters present please stand! We are all here to assist you, so don’t hesitate to ask one of us for help. We ask everyone to stand now with their LED key chain ready. The first row stands still, while the people in the row behind them outline the person in front by directing the light towards the stage where we have the cameras set up. (demonstrate while speaking) Once the persons in front are outlined, they may hold their LED key chain light in front of their chest to draw a circle, spiral or even your initials. (Like so) We can do this all at once, with every other row all the way to the back. Everyone can participate, as not to leave blanks.

Here we go; every other row place your light by touching the person in front of you right below the shoulder and gently follow the curves to the neck, around the head and down to the other shoulder. Good, now everyone who has been outlined can make a gesture in front of their chest. Please avoid in front of the face. You can now see you very own light trace on the screen above. Notice we have some of our light calligraphy artist spell out the Day of Light above, as well as a light stencil of today’s logo.

Can you see your light traces? Shall we do it one more time? Congratulations! Please give a big round of applause for your participation.


For more information please visit the light painting exposition in the hall, where we are glad to answer any questions you might have.  (@10 seconds)

Read more about”Constellation of Planets”, the giant light painting in Cha Chronicles III.